blue DNA double helix on a dark background with lighter blue strips

KU Genome Sequencing Core

The KU Genome Sequencing Core, located in Haworth Hall on the KU-Lawrence campus, is equipped with the Illumina family of Next-Gen Sequencers.

GSC Hours: Monday - Friday, 9:00am - 5:30pm

What We Do - GSC Project Workflow

The Genome Sequencing Core lab is part of the Center for Molecular Analysis of Disease Pathways, an NIH-funded Center for Biomedical Research Excellence infrastructural grant.

Next generation sequencing (NGS) is an enabling technology that is revolutionizing most aspects of biological and biomedical research, allowing whole genome analysis, transcriptomics, and epigenomics.

The Genome Sequencing Core can provide support and assistance for sequencing projects, including experimental design, library preparation, Illumina sequencing, and initial data processing (demultiplexing and FASTQ file generation).
GSC Project Workflow - diagram showing project workflow from sample submission to generation of sequencing data.

Links for GSC Submission Forms

Our Mission

1.  Provide seamless access to state-of-the-art next-generation sequencing capabilities to researchers and projects at the Center for Molecular Analysis of Disease Pathways, KU and the region, such that genomic techniques can be enabled and become part of the experimental repertoire in labs at KU and the region.

2.  Provide education, advice, lab training, and assistance to researchers in designing experiments involving NGS, as well as assistance in data handling and new method development.

3.  Serve as a catalyst for interaction and coordination with other genomics research resources at KU-Lawrence and the region to build a strong foundation for KU genomics research in the area.

machine with two silver panels separated horizontally by a purple color-changing panel. there is a white touch screen on the top panel that says "start"+

Please acknowledge the Core in your publications. Doing so will ensure that we can serve you better in future.

Kindly add the following statement to your Acknowledgments:

"Research reported in this [publication] was made possible in part by the services of the KU Genome Sequencing Core.  This lab is supported by the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) of the National Institutes of Health under award number P30GM145499."

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