About Next-Generation Sequencing
Sequencing Workflow

Library Preparation
Adds adapters and indexes ("barcodes") to DNA fragments so they can be pooled with other samples and identified after sequencing
Different Strategies:
Bead-linked transposome tagmentation:
DNA is fragmented and normalized by binding to bead transposomes
Adapter ligation:
genomic DNA or cDNA is fragmented and has adapters attached to both ends of the fragments
Amplicon prep:
amplify DNA/cDNA, remove primer sequences, ligate sequencing adapters and amplify
Cluster Generation
Process by which libraries bound to the surface of the flow cell are clonally amplified (bridge amplification)
Unbound end of fragment binds to the flow cell to form a "bridge". This bridge is then amplified to generate an identical fragment which can also undergo bridge amplification
Fluorescently labeled nucleotides are incorporated and imaged one base at a time as they are added to the clusters of fragments on the flow cell. The sequencer uses the wavelength/intensity of light emission from each cluster to identify the nucleotide.